District VI / SAO / South Ops

In the last few weeks, we have been working with staff at the Mulberry street offices to help clean out their attic of historical documents and other items in preparation for their big move to the new South Ops site. (Hopefully later this Spring). Many thanks to Shane Porter, Jan Newman, and Shayne Canady for assistance with prep for the move. New items added to the Museum’s collection include a variety of SRA and DPA maps from the 70s, 80s and 90s; a set of Ortho-photo maps in 1:24K quads of the entire Southern California region from about 1975; a variety of photos and biographical material from past Region Chiefs and Mulberry Street staff; and a variety of other historical documents and photos from the 50s until the present.

Next week, we have a move planned for the map drawers, some of which will be immediately put to use in our current facility and some of which will be stored for future use. After the remainder of the items are inventoried, and moved, we hope to be able to organize the items we received for eventual viewing and use. (or digitization!) As always, any helping hands for inventory of materials, data-entry into our museum catalog, building a sturdy base for the map drawers, moving file cabinets and display cases to make room, or eventual re-organization of the items for use is always needed and appreciated! And Special Thanks to the personnel at South Ops who recognized the need for preservation of our past (even the recent past) while continuing the modernization of our Department and the continuation of its mission.
My Dad, Eugene Peterson, worked on Mulberry St. from 1960-64 as the Business Manager. When we moved to Sonora in 1964 where he opened Baseline Conservation Camp, he was given a small oil painting (8×10) that was painted by Deputy State Forester James Mace who was his boss. It’s a beautiful picture of Convict Lake, where Dad had camped in 1947 and 48. When Dad passed in 2014 I got the painting.
I would love to donate it to your museum where everyone could enjoy it. Are you interested? Please let me know steve.peterson0818@gmail.com
Thanks for considering us, our staff will contact you via email.